About Us


Hi & Welcome to my blog!

I’m Julie and I’m mom to a very sweet & smart young adult son who is autistic.

My son, Taylor, is graduating high school this year and we are facing some big transitions in our home.

Our family has lived with autism for over 22 years now.  I’ve learned so much along the way and handled way more than I ever thought possible.

In fact, none of it would have been possible without my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Facing a diagnosis of autism brings about so many emotions, fears and unanswered questions.   Twenty-two years ago when my son was first diagnosed,  there was very little written about or even spoken about autism.  That’s changed so much, and now there are numerous blogs, websites and support groups out there to help people just starting their journey down this path.

However,  until recently,  there hasn’t been that much information about 1) adults with autism, and the transition a family faces between school-age & adult age  and  2) finding, keeping and strengthening your faith when you face a life-long and difficult journey of full-time caregiver.   So, I hope my blog will reach out to those looking for the same things I was… and give a voice to expanding these aspects of autism awareness.

I don’t see my son’s diagnosis as a burden.   There have been burdens we’ve had to deal with financially, physically & emotionally as a result of his autism.   But,  my son is “fearfully & wonderfully” made by our Creator.   His autism is what makes him unique and has given him some very special qualities, that at times I’m even a little jealous of!

Over the years, we’ve had ups and downs…probably more downs than ups at times.  But,  at this point in our journey,  those downs are getting fewer & farther between.   There IS light at the end of this journey.

I know there has always been light… the light of the Lord.  And I’ve learned to see it, even in those dark times.   We still have hard days, I still feel tired, I will always be stressed, I’ll always worry to some degree about the future for my son.   Learning to lean on God and turn all those things over to him is what has made this journey “easier” and “bearable”.

It’s hard living a typical life without God’s guidance and help.   Facing our journey without Him would truly be impossible.   Follow along & share your own thoughts and experiences.  Almost every family these days knows someone who is autistic, even if not a family member, then through someone you know.   Remember to always love & encourage those families faced with autism a little more often… because only the Lord knows what they are facing & feeling every day.


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